Must-Reads for Creatives and Storytellers

There are several books that I find myself continually going back to for different reasons. I would say that, at this point, all of these should be required reading (or skimming) when it comes to creativity and storytelling.

On Creativity:

We all need help with creative brainstorming. At certain points in the creative process, each of these has served me well.

  • Idea Revolution by Clare Warmke
  • Creative Sparks by Jim Krouse
  • Caffeine for the Creative Mind by Stefan Mamaw and Wendy Lee Oldfield

Hanging around creative people always has an effect on me. These books in essence allow each of us to hang out with some of the most creative people in the arts.

  • It was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God – Ned Bustard, Editor
  • Drops Like Stars by Rob Bell
  • Scribbling in the Sand by Michael Card
  • The Creative Habit by Twyla Tharp 

We don’t always want to create. What are the forces stopping us from being at the top of our game? How can we break through our creative barriers?

  • The War of Art by Steven Pressfield 

On Story:

Need help capturing and writing down the perfect story? These are great resources for honing your story writing skills.

  • Story: Recapture the Mystery by Steven James
  • Story by Robert McKee
 or On Writing by Steven King
  • Into the Elements (DVD writing workshop) by Donald Miller
  • Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

This list is obviously not exhaustive. I’m always looking for new resources to help me perfect my storytelling skills. What book or resource needs to be on this list? Comment and let me know!