Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions Mommy Wars: Are Homemakers More Holy?

Mommy Wars: Are Homemakers More Holy?

These “mommy wars” between working moms and stay-at-home moms are not helpful, and they are not biblical.

They lead to lines drawn in the sand between “ideal” mothers and “sub-par” mothers. I’ve been both placed on a pedestal as a stay-at-home mom, and scorned for “wasting my talents.”

I’m sick of the judgment of mothers, and I’m sick of the defensiveness that wells up in each woman whenever the subject comes up.

Christian mother, you live in the freedom of Christ, which is freedom that leads to service (Galatians 5:13). Pray and discern what is best for you, what is best for your family and how you can best serve the Lord.

And remember each woman has a different “best” from you.

Mothers (or plan-to-be-mothers), what questions would you suggest asking to determine whether to stay home or work outside the home?

Men, we’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, as you are affected too!