Home Outreach Leaders Articles for Outreach & Missions 10 Ways to Stop Feeling Guilty Your Friend Is Going to Hell

10 Ways to Stop Feeling Guilty Your Friend Is Going to Hell

9. Every time the topic of hell comes up, mention the example of the poor, lonely native in a Third World country who’s never heard the gospel.

And how it would be horrible if God sent that person to hell. Then make sure you add, “That’s not the God I choose to believe in.”

Because as we all know, if there actually is a Creator, he’s not intelligent enough to clearly communicate the way the world that he created works. And he definitely won’t mind if you “create your own” version of reality.

10. Completely block out of your mind the scene of your friend standing before God on judgment day.

And the fact that when he or she looks back on all the time they spent with you, they’ll wonder how in the world you justified not doing everything within your power to nudge them back toward God.

Yes, you talked about football, politics, golf and the Kardashian sisters. But talking about Jesus would have been out of line.

I get it.

You don’t need that on your conscience. You have too much stress in your life as it is. Just block it all out. Turn on some Jimmy Buffet. And stick to dreaming about your summer vacation.

Know any other sure-fire ways to alleviate guilt for not evangelizing? Leave a comment.