My Muslim Problem

We need to get our stories straight, because  the Gospel of Christ does not discount anyone from grace and salvation … even terrorists. Take Paul, who started out as a religious militant, overseeing the execution of Christians he saw as infidels because he thought that put him on God’s winning side.

He went on to become the author of most of the New Testament.

If I believe in prevenient grace—that Jesus is pursuing every person—I can only know what He’s up to by entering into another’s story through His holy love. How can I join in if I am running in fear from, discounting and demonizing those made in the image of God?

This is a problem for me, because it means I cannot dehumanize the politicians, preachers and even friends who dehumanize my Muslim family.

I cannot become a monster to defeat a monster.

Because dehumanization may be a casualty of war, but it should never be a casualty of the Gospel.