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Outreach Leaders

When Leaders Fall “They’re Only Human” Doesn’t Help Our Disillusionment

Some Christians have been trying their best to battle through the disillusionment that can often happen when people you trust are discovered to have a secret life.

Embracing The Gospel of Small

Isn’t he the God of all creation? Didn’t he speak the worlds by his words and part the Red Sea for Moses? Of course he did, and a good deal more. But then there's what I call the gospel of small.

Are You Filled With the Spirit?

What does it mean to be filled with the Spirit? Do you ever wonder how to unleash the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in your life?

3 Key Church Leadership Failures

Today’s church leaders are often taught that “leadership is everything,” If that’s the case, then church leaders must be willing to step back and see these church leadership failures.

To Those With Depression at Christmastime

Depression is tough at the best of times. Perhaps it’s the best of times, such as holiday times, when it’s especially tough. The thought of mixing with happy people fills you with dread. The thought of remembering lost loved ones fills you with gloom. How can people be so happy when you are so sad?

The Power of Personal Invitations: 10 Tips for Bringing People to Church

Inviting people to church can sometimes feel like a daunting task. So here are 10 tips as you seek to love your neighbors by inviting them into a community centered on Jesus. 

How Event Evangelism Helps People Share the Mission

One of the tools we can use for training people to get comfortable talking with others, inviting them to our weekend worship gatherings, and eventually sharing their faith, is through event evangelism.

The Christmas Promise: The Word of God Will Never Fail

As Gabriel brought the message of Jesus' birth to Mary, one message rang out: the word of God will never fail.

5 Must-Have Church Evangelism Strategies

Will Mancini offers time-tested wisdom with these five essentials that any outreach strategy MUST have in order to work in your local culture.

How Individualism Corrupts the Church’s Mission

“Cultural blindness is harmful to the church’s witness in the world.”

How To Be Transparent in Ministry (and Why)

Real transparency between fellow sisters (and brothers) in Christ is much deeper and much more difficult than what we commonly practice. Being transparent in ministry is painful, embarrassing, humbling work, for the teller as well as for the hearer.

When Ministry Begins to Suck the Life Out of Us

I’ve listed what I saw happen to me as ministry stress began to t suck the life out me. As you read these, ask yourself if you can identify with any.

6 Simple Ways To Love Your Neighbors This Holiday Season

Fresh ideas to strengthen and liven up your community.

All Evangelism Is Important – But Is it Equal?

All evangelism is important but all evangelism is not equal. There is a difference between a church having an evangelistic invitation (e.g., altar call) during a worship gathering and a church sending members to share the gospel with unreached people groups.

Jesus’ Surprising Secret to the Power of Prayer

After Jesus provided a sample prayer, he continued with seven simple words that can forever change our ideas about the power of prayer.

How to Connect With Young Families at Church

The challenge today is that we can't do away with past means of communication, but we continuously need to add new ones if you want to connect with young families at church.

What Is the Worst Sin in the World?

Hint: It's not murder, rape or child molestation.

5 Essential Ingredients for Planting Churches

Growing larger isn’t the most beautiful part of our story. It’s that we’ve managed to spread out and multiply by planting churches.

5 Brain Benefits of Creating Routines

Routines not only benefit Olympic athletes, but can benefit us as well. Consider these five brain benefits of creating routines.

How to Be a More Productive Pastor

When we think about stewardship, many of us think about money. But the most important limited asset we must steward is our time, being a productive pastor.

David Ashcraft on the Surprising, ‘Deep Emotions’ He Felt Stepping Down...

David Ashcraft joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how leadership has changed, how pastors can leave their churches better than they found them, and the startling emotions he felt when he stepped down as senior pastor.

Outreach Leaders