

Leading Beyond Likes: The Challenge of Decision-Making in Leadership

I like to be liked. You do, too. It’s natural. Human. And that’s a problem for leaders. 

6 Lessons From John 10 That Will Make You a Better Pastor

In John 10 we are shown how Jesus was a shepherd-leader who selflessly laid down his life to protect and nurture the sheep. We as pastors are called to do the same.

12 Attractive Traits for Senior Leaders

There are some attractive traits for in successful senior leaders. If a leader has these, he or she will be more likely to have loyal followers.

How Were People Saved in the Old Testament?

I often get the question, how were people saved in the Old Testament? To answer this question, I usually follow the Apostle Paul’s logic in Romans 4.

7 Priorities To Navigate the ‘Beauty and the Beast’ of Career Ministry

Working on a church team for few years is great, but when you invest your lifetime career effort and energy, it’s a different ball game. It is clearly awesome, but it requires a different level of intentionality.

What You Don’t Know About Your New Church May Kill You

Many pastors begin an assignment at a new church and get blindsided from issues they never expected. When that happens, it can be deadly.

Surprising Mourners for the Decline of Christianity

In a recent interview, Richard Dawkins offered two startling admissions: first, that he mourned the loss of much of what reflects the Christian faith in the world, and second, that he would consider himself a “cultural” Christian.

5 Ways To Rebuke a Friend

You should be sure you are correct in your rebuke.

3 Lessons Learned From 50 Years of Marriage

In celebration of my parents' 50th anniversary, here are three lessons I have learned from their marriage.

Pastor: You Were Not Made for Fame

We have too often bought into the marketing lie that more is better and fame is the goal. But a pastor chasing fame comes at the expense of his soul. You can not desire fame as your pursuit without fame taking its toll.

The Meaning of the Parable of the Talents

These are the parables of the last days. These stories are well known: the parable of the wise and foolish virgins; the parable of the sheep and the goats; and the parable of the talents.

The Blessing of Constraints

Because God exists outside of time, constraints can be beautiful. I hope I will remember God’s faithfulness to us in that season the next time there is an unforeseen constraint placed on the ministry. Which there certainly will be.

Our Church Sponsored a Refugee Family—It Bridged the Political Divide.

The divisiveness of this election year is reminding me how welcoming a refugee family united our politically diverse community.

8 Reasons Pastorless Churches Should Consider an Interim Pastor

When a church is in a leadership transition, bringing on an interim pastor can be a blessing to the congregation.

One Pastor’s Humble Prayer Before Preaching

In Bob Hostetler's vast pastoral experience he has helped pastors in many aspects of the lives, including this prayer before preaching.

Why Is Everyone So Frustrated? Uncovering and Addressing Expectation Gaps

Are people frustrated in or around your organization? Or perhaps you’re frustrated.

5 Biggest Mistakes Pastors Make on Sundays (and How To Avoid Them)

The very day we want to be at our best requires more from us than any other day. As a result, we can easily make one or more of the five biggest mistakes pastors make on Sundays.

Christian Life Isn’t Just Cussing Less and Giving More

By itself, religion is powerless to change our hearts. It might change our behavior—by cussing a little less, or giving a little more—but the change doesn’t go any deeper than the surface. Living a Christian life is about so much more than these two things.

The Bible Dares You To Fill in the Blanks

Once upon a time, I loved Mad Libs. But maybe the Bible actually invites us—even dares us—to fill in some of the blanks in our own lives.

7 Trademarks of an Unhealthy Friendship

"I wish I could go back in time and pull words out of the ears of my wife, children and friends, but in that moment, I was blind."

‘Understanding Precedes Refutation’—Preston Sprinkle’s Exiles in Babylon Conference Is Curious

The Exiles in Babylon conference, which is an outgrowth of Preston Sprinkle's “Theology in the Raw” podcast, “aims to help believers think Christianly about theological and cultural issues by engaging in curious conversations with a diverse range of thoughtful people.”

Steve Robinson: How To Create a Culture of Service in Your...

Steve Robinson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can foster a culture of serving in their churches, raise up new leaders, and help people discover their giftings.
