Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Should Pastors Tweet? 10 Reasons to Say Yes

Should Pastors Tweet? 10 Reasons to Say Yes

5. Tweet prayers for your church.

I don’t mean you should publicly pray for private issues. But as you personally pray for your church, tweet some of your requests. It will encourage your people to see how you are praying for them.

6. Tweet to start a prayer chain.

There may be times when an emergency strikes, making urgent, public prayer appropriate. Tweet the prayer request, and ask your congregation to retweet it.

7. Tweet to keep the vision of your church in front of your people.

If you don’t constantly communicate your vision, your church will forget it. Twitter is a great way to remind your congregation why your church exists, and how you are moving forward.

8. Tweet quotes from what you are reading.

As you read the Scriptures, or books on the Bible and theology, tweet quotes that impact you. This is kind of like #4, except here your congregation benefits from what you are reading offline, too.

9. Retweet the other pastors and leaders of your church.

When someone else in leadership tweets something good, retweet it yourself. This demonstrates the partnership shared among the leaders, and also reinforces the values you want to cultivate in your congregation.

10. Tweet to remind your congregation you’re a real person.

Tweet funny things your kids say, when you take your wife out for a date and when your basement floods. Identifying with your church in this way will make them more receptive to your teaching, care and leadership.

It will not take long for you to see the impact your tweets have on your congregation. As folks shake your hand on Sunday morning, they will not only say, “Thanks for the sermon!” They will thank you for that link you shared, too.