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How to Build Leaders Who Excel

So if excellence is that important in your organization, do the hard work of quantifying and describing it so others can see it and achieve it. 

For example, at LAUNCH we desire to see each of our church plant assessors provide high-quality assessment. So recently we created the 10 Gold Standards of an Assessor and created a certification and evaluation process that helps us train them toward this standard.

Take a Hard Look at Your Team.

In many cases, when excellence is highly valued, it’s because there is a superstar who’s delivering the results.

And unfortunately. when the superstar leaves, so does the level of excellence, and no one else in the organization knows how to hit that same target.

Take a hard look at your team to see if your “excellence” is a product of your team or a product of a superstar. There is nothing wrong with having a superstar, just make sure you utilize that individual as one of your primary trainers.

For the sake of the organization, challenge her to train others to do what she does.

So I say, if you’re going to value excellence, value excellence in your development of new leaders.