Home Pastors Articles for Pastors Honest Thoughts on Life as a Pastor’s Kid

Honest Thoughts on Life as a Pastor’s Kid

3. Christians Need Forgiveness.

My family went though some rough times when I was in junior high.

Like things that families should never be put through by other members of the church body.

I became familiar with church splits, angry deacons and other things at the tender ages of 11-13. Some of the things that happened to my family gave me (and all my siblings) a legitimate reason to hate the church and Christians.

But Christ is bigger than our sins.

Christ is bigger than church splits and rumors.

At a young age I learned the importance of forgiveness as I watched my parents walk through forgiving their transgressors.

As a church body we should always love each other. But when other Christians fail us or hurt us, we must choose to forgive.

I could list off many more lessons but for the sake of your time I’ll stop here.

Final thoughts for Pastors:

1. Be wise in your decisions because your children are watching you ever so closely.

2. Encourage your children with the Word.

3. Make time daily to pray with your children. My dad did this through the entire time I lived at home and that time together was priceless.