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5 Truths About On-Fire Leaders

One of my favorite little Bible verses might seem somewhat obscure, but in its original language, it’s packed with meaning. Paul wrote to the Romans, “I am eager to come and preach the gospel to you … .” (Romans 1:16)

The word translated as eager comes from a compound Greek word that means “on heat,” or as we would say it today, Paul was on fire to preach!

Passion is a priceless aspect of leadership.

It’s something that can be faked, but only temporarily. We can only keep up the facade of passion for something for so long before people begin to realize we aren’t quite as invested as we’ve acted. Real passion burns inside us.

It flares up somewhat uncontrollably and makes us do crazy things, like go to new places with the gospel, get personally involved in the lives of hurting sinners, and push others around us forward even at the cost of our own comfort.

1. Real Passion is Cultivated With Jesus.

Passion can be derived from reading the latest church growth books, attending conferences and listening to motivational tapes about leadership.

But these generate but a flicker in comparison with the true source of passion in a Christian leader—time with Jesus. Luke records the experience of two apostles shortly after Jesus’ resurrection, “Back and forth they talked. ‘Didn’t we feel on fire as he (Jesus) conversed with us on the road, as he opened up the Scriptures for us?’” (Luke 24:32 MSG)

2. Real Passion is Stimulated by the Holy Spirit.

In other words, passion is ultimately cultivated deep within us over time as we get closer to Jesus. His Holy Spirit has a tendency to fan it into flame and keep it alive.

I don’t think this has as much to do with a “Holy Ghost revival meetin’” where we all act a little crazy as it does a far more internal combustion in the heart of a believer that absolutely must come out in the form of influencing others with drive and energy.