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Can an Online Pastor be MY Pastor?

What 1 Peter encourages me to do in response.

As one of those online writers, I feel that I have responsibility. If someone is following me because he or she is surrounded by unfaithful shepherds, then I’m truly thankful to the Lord for using me to feed His sheep.

At the same time, I readily acknowledge that I’m not the ideal pastor for this person. I will encourage him or her to pray that God would give him or her a faithful shepherd. Either through changing the heart toward the current pastor(s) or bringing new ones. I’m thankful that God uses me in the interim, but I have to remember that is exactly what it is.

If somebody is following me simply because they are discontent with their pastor, I need to be careful. That can really stroke my ego. I can go off thinking that I’m doing a better job than Pastor X at shepherding his flock. Even if that were true (and it probably isn’t), God has called someone else to be their shepherd.

My responsibility is to help them love the shepherd(s) that God has given them.

I also need to be aware that people like the comfort of an online community and pastor over the real thing. This will help me to encourage people that I “counsel” online to actually pursue a local church.

If you have an online writing ministry, you need to make certain that you keep it in its proper place.

You are not a replacement pastor. You are a supplement, a help, a voice, to encourage people to love Jesus more. And as such, you know that one of the best ways that people grow in loving Jesus more is by growing in their love for the undershepherd(s) that God has already given to them. 


*I’m sorry, I can’t stop making that joke no matter how old it gets.