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4 Reasons People Steer Clear of Your Church

Most people don’t want to go to church. But why? And what might interest them in joining a community of faith?

Those questions have sent us across the country looking for answers. After years of research and countless interviews, my wife Joani and I have finally collected our findings. They’re in a new book titled, no surprise, Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore, with a subtitle of “And How 4 Acts of Love Will Make Your Church Irresistible.”

We found four recurring themes as to why the majority avoids church.

Here’s a sneak preview from the book:

1. “I feel judged.”

Gabe Lyons’ and David Kinnaman’s research in their book UnChristian confirms that “church people judge me.” According to their studies, 87 percent of Americans label Christians as judgmental.

Fair or unfair, most people view the church as critical, disapproving and condemning. Whether it’s behavior, looks, clothes, choice of friends, lifestyle decisions or whatever, the church has a solid reputation for acting as judge and jury over our individual differences.

2. “I don’t want to be lectured.”

More than ever, people today want to participate in the discussion.

One man told us he’s talked with more than a thousand other men who’ve given up on church. He said, “Guys don’t want to sit in a room and idly listen to some preacher do all the talking. They want to ask questions. They want to share their thoughts, too.” The same goes for women. They don’t want another one-way lecture.

3. “Church people are a bunch of hypocrites.”

This isn’t a small minority talking. A whopping 85 percent make this claim.