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5 Things That Make an Influencer

Leaders want to be influencers. We know that “Influence” is the basis of leadership. The team or group we lead requires us to have influence with them. But what about other leaders…

Many leaders want to have influence with the influencers. What makes that happen? What makes a leader of leaders?

Battle Wounds

Leaders want to learn from the wounded ones who survived and thrived. Leaders don’t want to just hear a bunch of ideas; we all have those. They want to hear from the ones who have fought and won.

Compelling Strategy

Leaders want to know the “how did you change that?” stories. They want a strategy that is transferable and customizable. They are different but want to learn applicable elements.

Passionate Story

We all have a story. But an influencers’ story is original. They have a pioneering story, a passion that awakes a fire in those that hear. Their story awakens new faith and hope in others.

Generous Heart

Real influencers love giving away what they have and what they have learned. They have a Kingdom mindset, and generosity is at its core! They are driven and motivated by love to pour selflessly into those around them.

Platform Place

Influencers must have a place where they give to others. Blog, Facebook, books, or in person. An influencer must have a platform to influence from! The platform must be easily found, passionately maintained, and motivated by a heart set on giving away as much as possible as quickly as possible.