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7 Tips for Dealing with Angry Church Members

5. Be Open to Eating Some Humble Pie.

It’s painful and embarrassing, but I’ve noticed that sometimes God is speaking to me, indirectly, through the angry bird about a blind spot or oversight in my life or ministry. At which point, I simply have to apologize and make the needed corrections.

6. Intonation and Body Language.

Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath.” Be sure to avoid the trap of using e-mail or Bacebook to deal with an angry bird. The devil is well versed in presenting a glass half empty or worst case scenario via print alone.

7. Finally, I Cannot Begin to Tell You How Much Better I Feel Already Knowing that You Also Have Some Angry Church Members.

So did the Apostle Paul. Sometimes, we simply cannot see eye to eye on issues, and people move on. They are inconsolable. It happens. However, if you follow the steps above, you’ll discover that often an angry bird can become an ally simply by hearing them out and by following these steps towards peace.

We all know what hell on Earth is, but when we strive to live out the teachings of Jesus we bring a little heaven to Earth. Jesus promised that there’s a blessing to those who strive to make peace; “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God,” (Mt. 5:9) meaning that when you at least try to bring peace, you’ll be identified with the Prince of Peace. And I don’t know about you, but I’ll take all the blessings I can get.