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Why the Rules of Improv Will Make You a Better Creative Leader

Improv Rule #2: Be Specific

In improv, the more specific you are the better the sketch. If you stick to open-ended questions, you force your partner to do all the work. If we start a sketch and I ask, “What are you doing? Who are you?” the comedy is bland and boring. However, if I say, “That’s a beautiful meat dress you’re wearing. Where did you get it?” You’ve got something to work with—the comedy gets a kick start.

We are more effective leaders, by far, when we give specific directions to those we lead. When I give my team precise details and tasks, I’m setting them up for a win.

When I give them vague assignments that carry on endlessly, I’m wasting their talent, and I’m not working to move our church or organization forward.

Specificity is an underrated leadership quality, but it’s also a revolutionary tool to create momentum.