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20 Ways to Be Generous on Any Budget

be generous

For years, I did not realize that generosity is a spiritual quality. When I thought of spiritual qualities, I thought of words like peace, faith, and joy – and those are spiritual qualities for sure. But what I now realize is that to be generous is a key factor in all expressions of faith.

Generosity is part of the character and nature of God. He is generous in His love for us. He is generous in His compassion and His grace and mercy.

For us to be forgiving of others requires generosity. For us to be accepting of others requires generosity. To build honest, intimate, and long-term relationships requires generosity. To give help to the poor requires generosity. For us to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives – it will require generosity of our souls.

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.
Proverbs 11:25 NIV

I think the generosity that God desires is generosity of the heart, which can be seen by our actions. Actions by themselves can be a good start toward producing a more generous heart.

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20 Ways to Be Generous

1. Brag about someone to others while they are standing there listening.

2. Volunteer time to serve your community or your Church’s community.

3. Buy a gift card and carry it with you, waiting for the right person to give it to.

4. Give a few dollars to a homeless person. This could be as important for you as it is for them.

5. Buy a pair of shoes (possibly on sale) and give them away to a person who needs them, or donate old shoes to Soles4souls.org.

6. Call someone just to say “Thanks.”

7. Give $20 to GenerosityWater.org or volunteer to serve.

8. Ask someone, “Is there anything I can pray for you about?” Pray and then begin a plan to provide some of the answer.

9. Pay a bill for someone who could use the help.