Home Pastors Videos For Pastors Piper Interviews Warren on Doctrine of "The Purpose Driven Life"

Piper Interviews Warren on Doctrine of "The Purpose Driven Life"

John Piper engages in an in-depth interview with Rick Warren on the doctrine within Warren’s book The Purpose Driven Life. “It’s the fulfillment of a commitment we made when Rick was not able to come in person to the Desiring God National Conference in Minneapolis in October, 2010,” says Piper.

Practical Idea: Share this video with your leadership team (using one of the options above) and encourage them to view the video for discussion in your next meeting. 

View the interview in topical segments here:

1) Doctrinal Depth
2) The Glory of God
3) Christocentric Ministry
4) Limited Atonement
5) Prevenient Grace
6) Holiness
7) The Bible
8) Exhortation and Prayer

(This video originally appeared on Desiring God.)