7 Steps to Small Group Success

4. Don’t Let The Communicator Steal Their Thunder.

Communicators love to create moments of commitment. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but if you are also asking group leaders to create moments of commitment, then you have unintentionally created a competing system.  

If the goal is to set-up group leaders as best as you can, then allow them to be the hero. Don’t be afraid to  move “creating commitments” outside of the communicator’s sphere of responsibility. This will allow the communicator to play a big role in setting up the small group leader. They toss it up to the group leader, but the group leader is the one who dunks in.

Action Step: Have a conversation with your communicator to let him/her know that you aren’t looking for a homerun; you are looking for a double. This week, have the communicator only cover one broad application and then have them continually drive down the bottom line.  Let the communicator know that you want small groups to cover the specific applications in small group. 

5. Invest In Great Spaces.

The more comfortable students are, the more likely they are to open up in conversation. Investing in great small group spaces will communicate to the student that you want them to feel comfortable, but more importantly communicates to the leader that you value their group.

Action Step: Make one or two small adjustments to your small group spaces, that will help leaders and students feel more comfortable.

6. Systematize What Pulls Them Away From Relationship.

Small Group Leaders only have a certain amount of time to commit to being a group leader, which makes the time they do have very precious. As a leader of Small Group Leaders, work to systematize the tasks that pull them away from focusing on the relationship. This will strengthen the bond between the group leader and the student, as well as, relieve the unnecessary stress of keeping up with admin.

Action Step: If your small group leaders are responsible for securing new student information and/or taking attendance, begin working on taking that off their plate.  

7. Invest In Them As People, Not Just As Group Leaders.

Small Group Leaders win when they are spiritually healthy themselves. As a leader of Small Group Leaders, taking time to invest in them as people first will help keep your group leaders healthy as they pour into your students. Intentionally taking time to get involved in their lives will require a significant investment, but it will be well worth it.  

Many leaders shy away from this because they don’t have the time, but it an easy way to ensure this is happening is to create a second tier of leadership for your small group leaders. This second tier’s sole job is to care for, develop, and invest in group leaders as individuals, not just group leaders.

Action Step: Plan out a specific time this week when you (or a second leadership tier member) can take one of your group leaders out to coffee… not to discuss your ministry, but to discuss their life.  

Question: These are just a few of the ways that you can set-up your small group for success. What other ideas have you found that help set-up group leaders for a win? Start a discussion by leaving a comment below.