Home Small Group Leaders Articles for Small Group Leaders One Simple Idea — Promote Small Groups in Your Worship Service

One Simple Idea — Promote Small Groups in Your Worship Service

promote small groups

If you are anything like me, you are always keen to hear about new and creative ideas to promote small groups, so how about trying this simple idea. Most faith communities have a time during the worship service where they encourage people to ‘meet and greet.’ During this time, ask people to stand if they attend a small group. From the platform give a one-minute (or less!) vision talk to promote small groups and then ask those standing (i.e., small group attendees) to meet and greet someone nearby who is still seated (i.e., potential small group attendees!).

It might be a good step to give some direction around the greeting: “Hi, my name is Tracey, this is what I really enjoy about being in my small group, or I love my small group because…”

Promote Small Groups in Your Worship Service

Be very careful to clearly communicate that this is not a time to try to twist people’s arms into joining a group (even though we would love them to consider!) but rather an opportunity to share how positive small groups are for those who attend.