Are We Too Quick to Forgive?

To those of us who ask for forgiveness, do we have the humility to acknowledge the impact and consequences of our actions? Are we committed to the long-term process of dying to old ways, and demonstrating something new and redeemed — not just through words, but through actions?

And to those of us who would extend forgiveness, do we have the fortitude to let others feel the weight of what they have done, and not “move forward” too hastily? Because forgiveness without honesty and justice isn’t forgiveness at all. There can be no restoration without first acknowledging the reality, and feeling the grief, of separation. Isn’t that the message of the Christian gospel?

But when both sides of a relationship work justly towards restoration, it can be a beautiful and redemptive picture. That’s what I long for in my relationships, and am willing to fight for, because it’s worth doing the right way.