Notice Me!

Students just want to be noticed. To feel seen and heard by those around them.

Here’s a few ways to notice students:

1. Start with the basics! Remember their name. Sounds so simple and basic but probably one of the most powerful things we can do each week!

2. Celebrate them. We just had our Student Ministry Team Christmas Party. Notice the good things students to and celebrate them. Throw a party- write a note- pull them aside and give them a word of affirmation! Celebrate them!

3. Miss them. It’s easy to be focused on the students that are there . . . but take a minute NOTICE whose missing. Send them a text or facebook message, letting them know that you missed seeing them. Doesn’t have to be fancy or long…just a sentence.

4. It’s in the details. Remember a detail from a conversation and bring it up later. When you remember the details you communicate that you are listening to them . . . and really hearing them!

5. Write a note. A random note in the mail tells us a student that you are thinking of them during the week. Encourage them . . . affirm them . . . give them written proof that you notice them.

Letting a student know that you notice them is simple and powerful.

Here are two things to be careful of:

1. Spread it. Some students are easy to notice . . . and some take a little effort. Be sure to spread the love, affirmation and encouragement. Students notice when we don’t spread it . . . and it only communicates what the world tells them . . . some get noticed and others don’t! In our churches . . . that’s just not true!

2. Don’t be discouraged. It might feel at times that the students don’t notice you noticing . . . but they do . . . they just aren’t that good and communicating it! Don’t lose heart.

We notice students because the ministry of Jesus was about noticing people. It’s a powerful way to communicate who Jesus is and how much he loves us!

What are other ways we can notice our students?