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Ryan Wekenman: A Single Pastor’s Thoughts on Ministering to Singles
Ryan Wekenman joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to share what God has taught him through his singleness and how pastors can encourage and minister to the single people in their congregations.
Articles for Pastors
12 Struggles Singles Face
For all singles, there are 12 struggles that must be faced at different stages and to different degrees.
Christian News
Jackie Hill Perry, Preston Perry Urge Singles To Wait on God, Not Resort To Dating Unbelievers
While acknowledging the challenges of being single, married couple Jackie Hill Perry and Preston Perry warn Christians not to get impatient and settle for relationships with non-Christians.
Christian News
Mark Driscoll Advises Singles: ‘It’s Not About How Old or Wise You Are, It’s About How Prepared You Are for Marriage’
Mark Driscoll, senior pastor of the Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona, posted a clip from his latest Genesis sermon series titled “Why is Your Spouse the Second Most Important Decision of Your Life?”
Articles for Outreach & Missions
Singles Church Events – Please Give Us Space to Mingle
Even well-meaning church leaders might be unaware of the pain a lot of Christian singles feel when it comes to finding a potential spouse. The church can step in to create singles events that are just the right balance of intentionality and fluidity.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
8 Single Principles for a Singles Ministry
What are the keys to starting and growing a singles ministry that reaches singles? A panel of singles pastors agreed that every singles ministry—small or large—is based on eight specific principles.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
6 Tips for Singles During Quarantine
That’s great for those who have a babymaking pard’ner, but what about us single folk? What about those of us cooped up with our roommates like me, or worse, all alone? There are 6 tips for singles during quarantine that just might help you get through this season.
Articles for Outreach & Missions
4 Reasons We Need a Marriage Series for Singles
The thought of a marriage series for singles might seem odd. Like most Christian single people, I was a huge fan of marriage. But I wasn’t married. I am still indebted to the people in my life who taught me about marriage before I ever entered into it.
Articles for Pastors
Is Sex Keeping Christian Singles from Marrying Today?
If you are Christian and single, chances are you're struggling with wanting to marry. While some believe the reason Christian singles are delaying marriage is because they're having premarital sex, that perspective oversimplifies a complicated issue.