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Youth Leaders

Pillars of Leadership…What Are Yours?

I can trace my fascination with leadership back to a very specific moment.  In the mid-90′s my wife, Rachel, and I were in...

Economy of Words

Good communicators are aware of an economy of words. Whether its blogging or public speaking or preaching– you must have a constant awareness of...

Seeking The Lost: The Drug-Users In Your Youth Group

Guest Post by Bucky Rogers I recently received an email from a parent of a 7th grade girl in our student ministry.  “Bucky,” she...

Free Sermon Series Package: Get Dirty

"Jesus got His hands dirty cleansing lepers and healing the sick. If we want to get involved in the life of Jesus, it means we expect to Get Dirty."

Orchestration of Salvation

Use this video during a sermon as an illustration about how God uses small seemingly insignificant events in your life to lead you to salvation.

4 Things You Can Do to Care for Your Soul

Practical things you can do to establish boundaries & care for your soul

How Do You Worship?

Share this video with your students as an opener to a talk about worship.

Generation to Generation: Relationships vs Programming

Each week we’ll be writing about different ways that we, as leaders, can effectively be examples to our students, and we’ll discuss different...

Adults Are Better…Students Are Best

This is Luke. He spoke recently at our Life Groups Praise & Worship nights. He did a great job, especially considering he’s a sophomore in...

What is Your Dream?

Do you have a dream? I mean, a BIG dream? Maybe you call it a goal. Perhaps it is item #1 on your...

First Things First

Last week for Time Out, we practiced a time of silence, something much needed for youth workers. Today, we’re going to try...

The Emotionally Healthy Youth Pastor

For the past 2.5 years my job has shifted from being a youth pastor to being a cheerleader, encourager, and fan of youth...

Youth Ministry Essentials: Crafting A Bible Study Lesson

Most youth workers have a specific curriculum they teach, so there’s not a consistent need to develop lessons from scratch. But what if...

Free Evangelism Training: How to Share Your Faith Story

"Every Christian teen has a faith story that is personal and powerful."

First Steps

Use this video to promote a new members class.

Linus Explains Christmas to Charlie Brown

Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about? Lights please... "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field,...

Ministry Lessons: Behavior – Deal With It

Many things can enhance or kill your ministry effectiveness. Behavior is a biggie. When I served as youth pastor in small churches, this...

Jesus is Uncool

“Cool: fashionable and attractive at the time” Jesus was not cool. He was not fashionable. He was not attractive during His time or...

The 10 Commandments of Discipleship

my friend paul martin is one of the smartest, most thoughtful youth workers you’ve never heard of. part of the reason you’ve...

It's Too Easy to be Negative

Looking around, it doesn’t take long to notice failures, disappointments, injustices and all manner of worldly details that ought to be different. ...

Steve Robinson: How To Create a Culture of Service in Your...

Steve Robinson joins “The Stetzer ChurchLeaders Podcast” to talk about how church leaders can foster a culture of serving in their churches, raise up new leaders, and help people discover their giftings.

Youth Leaders