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Explaining the Bible to Children: 15 Helpful Tips for Parents and Teachers

11. Get creative!

Add artistic flair when explaining the Bible to a child. Write out a Bible verse on a piece of poster board. Then add a colorful picture that illustrates it. For example, write “I will trust and not be afraid—Isaiah 12:2” on the poster board. Add pictures of situations in which the child might be afraid so he or she connects the verse to a life situation.

12. Provide basic information.

Begin teaching about the Old Testament and New Testament, and help kids find where one ends and the other begins. Each week you can start the lesson by explaining whether you’ll be teaching from the Old or New Testament and have them find it.

13. Encourage practical skills.

Challenge older preschoolers to actually find a book of the Bible. This works best with some of the bigger books, such as Psalms or Genesis.

14. Start from the beginning.

Teach kids Genesis 1:1 and show them how to find it in the Bible. They’ll be proud that they can look up a verse.

15. Gradually work on learning the books.

Introduce the Bible to preschoolers by teaching them the books of the Bible through song or repetition. Many youngsters learn to recite the books before they can read. Just be sure to do this in a fun way.

What other suggestions do you have for explaining the Bible to young children?