Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Fun Bible Activities for Kids: 3 Easy Devotions for Elementary Kids

Fun Bible Activities for Kids: 3 Easy Devotions for Elementary Kids

2. Super-Suited

This experience encourages kids to use their spiritual gifts.

You’ll need:

  • a Bible
  • scissors
  • bulletin board paper
  • ribbon
  • hole punches
  • markers

Have kids sit in a circle. Tell them to use the supplies to create a super-suit for the person sitting on their right.

Say: Think carefully about special gifts or talents the person has. How can the super-suit you make boost your friend’s abilities? You may need to talk to your friend to get ideas. Allow time.

Read aloud Romans 12:4-8. Then invite kids to present their super-suits to the kids they made them for. Encourage kids to explain how and why they made the super-suits the way they did.


  • Think about what the verses said. How can you use your super-suits to serve others?
  • What do you think it means to be a living sacrifice with your special gifts?

Christina Schofield
Rolla, Missouri