Allergy Friendly Treats: Offer KidMin Snacks That All Children Can Enjoy

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3. Mindful snack-shopping is a practical way to partner with parents.

When their child has a food allergy, parents must be extra vigilant. After all, snacks could be a matter of life and death. By doing research and offering allergy friendly treats, you’re showing parents their family is important to you. Saying you care is one thing. Showing that love in a practical way speaks volumes.

4. Non-edible treats still delight.

In addition to allergy friendly candy options, offer non-edible treats, too. Stickers (Like Bible Memory Buddy stickers from Simply Loved Sunday school curriculum), bubbles, bouncy balls, wristbands, and other affordable trinkets will delight kids, too!

Now you’re ready to delight kids throughout the year. Offering allergy friendly treats will help you shepherd kids and families well.

This article about allergy friendly treats originally appeared here.

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