5. Help each child punch a hole in the top of his or her heart then string ribbon or yarn through the hole. Knot the ribbons for children to complete their heart frames.
6. If time allows, have children decorate their frames with crayons or markers.
Extra Fun
- Let children use their heart frames to play this twist on Hide and Seek. Choose one child to be the first to hide his or her heart frame while the other children close their eyes. After the child has hidden the frame, have him or her say, “My heart is hidden away. Can you find it today?” Encourage children to look for the frame and cover their own hearts when they find it. Continue playing until everyone has had a chance to hide his or her heart.
- Celebrate the “heart homecoming” with tasty Valentine’s Day treats. Make little sandwiches in heart-shaped cutouts.
This preschool valentine craft originally appeared here.