Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Addressing Children's Allergies in Your Kidmin

Addressing Children's Allergies in Your Kidmin

Allergies have increased steadily over the last fifty years [1], and this increase affects your organization. Eavesdrop on a typical conversation among a group of parents, and the issue of allergies will likely come up. Some interesting allergy statistics are [2]:

  • About 6% of children aged zero to two years have a food allergy
  • About 9% of children aged three to five years have a food allergy
  • About 8% of children aged six to ten years have a food allergy
  • Of children with food allergies, 38.7% have severe reactions

Statistically, there’s a good chance you will encounter a child under your care with a food or other allergy of some sort (like an allergy to bees). Utilizing an efficient and accurate method to be aware of and communicate allergy and medical information between parents and those caring for their children is vitally important. Also important is how to respond in the event of an allergic or medical emergency.

Since allergies are an increased concern, here are three key reasons to consider improving your organization’s allergy alert, communication, and response systems:


1)      Child Safety

2)      Parent Peace of Mind

3)      Decreased Liability

Child Safety

Proactively planning how to communicate with parents about allergy and medical information helps keep children out of danger. Awareness of the issue is the first step in taking precautions to pro-act rather than react. While you may not currently have children in your care with severe allergies, planning now prepares you and your team should an emergency arise. Take the initiative to increase preparation and communication. Utilizing a children’s check-in system, such as KidCheck, allows parents to communicate important allergy and medical information and is one way to help keep children with allergies safe.

There are some key elements to consider no matter what communication system you utilize. Make it easy for parents to quickly and easily provide the most current information regarding their child’s allergy and medical information. Ideally, use a system that allows parents to update this information themselves.