11. Paper supply
Have paper on hand not just for coloring but to cut into pieces for a game. Or for a child who wants to write down a Bible verse as a way to memorize it, and so on.
12. Contact information
Yes, the child’s registration form is in the church office. But that’s down two floors and across the entire building. You need to be able to access that information quickly.
13. Scissors
Yes, provide scissors for little kids but also regular scissors. That way you can cut activity sheets in half or trim a picture you want to hang. And you can cut open the package of craft supplies engulfed in plastic so thick you can’t bend it.
14. Paper cups
Even if you don’t have regular snacks, cups come in handy. You can organize little pieces, get water for a child who’s coughing, hold water for paint brushes, etc.
15. Small paint brushes
You’ll need these to paint, but some teachers give each child a piece of heavy paper and squirt a little glue on the plate. The child then “paints” with the glue on the desired spot. That’s better than having kids individually squeeze the bottle of glue all over the place.
16. Stapler
This comes in handy at times.
17. Clock
Many people use their phones for the time these days. But having a wall clock is a must. Whether you’re teaching a large-group lesson or running games, being able to quickly glance at a clock is a snap. It’s a lot easier than digging your phone out of your pocket and distracting the entire class.
18. Sandwich bags
Whether a craft has small pieces, a child’s barrette breaks, or you want to send home an award, baggies are a must.
19. Timer
In children’s ministry, timers come in handy for games and for helping a child regain control. (“I need you to sit in the chair for three minutes, breathe deeply, and calm down.”) AND you can use them for fun (“How quickly can you say the books of the Bible?” One fifth-grader did it in 25 seconds.)!
What can you add to this children’s ministry checklist?