More Lifelong Learning Advice
7. The law of the lid determines the quality of leaders I can draw.
I didn’t realize in my early years that I was holding myself back for not growing my leadership. Go back to No. 3 and implement action steps to improve your leadership level. You’ll never attract workers sharper than you are.
8. Put your family second only to your relationship to God.
Do things that your family will remember forever. I regret spending all my vacation time visiting parents and doing ministry. Guard your days off and make them special for your family. Guard your nights. A family church must allow for family time. Listen to your family and be sensitive to their needs. You must listen with your eyes as well as your ears.
9. Represent your leader well.
Jesus said if you’ve seen him, you’ve seen the Father. Is this true of you? Simple things like dressing appropriately, not being silly, not building loyalties to yourself, and never talking negatively about those in leadership above you. Be your pastor’s biggest fan!
10. Love God’s people.
Finally, remember that children’s ministry is all about relationships. People matter! The time we spend to empower and encourage people is never wasted. People are more valuable than programs, meetings, and study. I’m more thankful for the people God has put into my life than the accomplishments I’ve seen. People are important to God and should be important to us.
This article about lifelong learning originally appeared here.