Children’s Ministry Illness Policy: How to Protect Students & Teachers

children's ministry illness policy
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6. Train it!

Make sure your kidmin staff knows and enforces the illness policy. It’s for their health too.

7. Equip your workers and volunteers.

Keep gloves, hand sanitizer, and antibacterial soap in your kidmin rooms. Realize that kids can get sick when away from home too. If a child looks feverish, we keep forehead thermometers on hand. In most instances, they want Mom or Dad at this point anyway. If a fever is present, we page parents.

8. Encourage health.

Remind your staff that drinking water and eating a good diet strengthens their immune system.

9. Provide options.

Although we don’t allow children to come to Sunday school sick, we realize some parents will come anyway. They can sit in the televised areas with their child, but we don’t allow sick kids in classrooms.

10. Have backup plans.

I’d love to say our teachers never get sick, but they do. And this illness policy counts for them as well. We love our helpers and hope they can attend. But if they’re sick, we want them to stay home and rest. This time of year, beefing up the on-call list helps teachers know they won’t leave anyone in a bind if they’re sick.

I hope this information about a children’s ministry illness policy is useful. Stay healthy!

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Heidi M Hensley
Heidi Hensley is currently the Children’s Minister at Shadow Mountain Church in El Cajon, Ca. and has over 23 years of ministry experience. Heidi has a passion for teaching kids that they can be spiritual giants and building strong teams of volunteers who lead them well. She lives in San Diego, CA with her husband, Jason, and two sons. With a strong love for coffee and surfing, she is grateful that her boys also love both of those things!

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