Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Object Lesson for Sunday School Offering Time: Cheerful Giving

Object Lesson for Sunday School Offering Time: Cheerful Giving

6. Object Lesson: The Half-Eaten Apple

  • Have kids read Matthew 6:33a with you. “Seek the kingdom of God first.”
  • Hold up two apples—one whole and one half-eaten.
  • Explain that we should put God first with our money. (Hold up the whole apple.)
  • When we don’t give God 10 percent or give Him whatever’s left over after we finish spending on things we want, it’s like we’re giving him the leftovers. (Hold up the half-eaten apple.)
  • Put God first in your giving!

7. Object Lesson: Faithful With a Little

  • Show a picture of a $1 bill and a $1,000 bill.
  • The Bible says if you are faithful with a little, then God will trust you with more.
  • As a child, you may not have lots of money to give. Maybe you get a little money from your allowance, birthday gifts, chores, etc. But it’s not likely a thousand dollars.
  • God says to faithfully give from what you have now. And as you are faithful with $1, then God may give you the opportunity to be faithful with thousands of dollars one day.
  • Giving faithfully from the little you have now opens the door to give faithfully from much more one day.

8. Object Lesson: Smiling or Frowning?

  • Read 2 Corinthians 9:7 aloud. “Each one of you should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not out of regret or compulsion. For God loves a cheerful giver.”
  • Show a picture of a frown face. We can give money to God with a bad attitude. Perhaps because your parents make you or you feel guilty.
  • Show a picture of a happy face. Or we can give with a good attitude. It says, “I’m giving this back to God because He is awesome and I love Him. God deserves my best!”

9. Object Lesson: When You Love Someone

  • Share about a time you gave a gift to someone because you loved them. (Examples: ring to wife, gift for family member, money to someone you wanted to help, etc.)
  • Explain that we have the opportunity each week to show God love by giving an offering.

10. Object Lesson: Guess How Much Money?

  • Tell children you have some money in your pocket. Ask them to guess how much it is.
  • Reveal how much you have. See who was closest.
  • Explain that God knows everything. He knows how much money we have.
  • One way we worship God for being so awesome, powerful, and all-knowing is by giving back some of our money to Him. Thanks for being generous and sharing an offering!

This article originally appeared here.