God looks at the heart — at who we are on the inside, the part of us that decides what we think, feel, say, and do. David wasn’t the biggest or the strongest, but God knew he was a good person.
Purpose 3: “You are made for love.”
We know that no matter what, God loves us. He loves every single person in the world — every person who has ever lived, is living now, or will ever live. Because He loves us so much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, to earth (“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” – John 3:16).
Talk to kids about the ways love and forgiveness are tied together. Jesus showed love in unexpected ways, especially to those who had done bad things. It’s important for kids to understand that God doesn’t stop loving us when we do something wrong. We can tell God how sorry we are and then decide to change the way we think and act.
Purpose 4: “You are made to belong.”
Feeling like they don’t belong is one of the most difficult challenges kids can face. As kids re-enter the post-COVID world, they are figuring out all over again where and how they belong. But they need to know that not belonging doesn’t exist. We all belong to God’s family. Tell your kids the story of Ruth, who ended up far away from where she grew up and from everything she’s ever known.
Belonging has a ripple effect: Once kids realize they belong in God’s family, they can help others understand that truth. Maybe that means talking to the kid at school sitting by themselves at lunch or the classmate who gets made fun of during gym class. Encourage them to keep their eyes open for other people who need to know that they were made by God to belong.
As kids realize these truths, they will come to realize that they are also made to do good – to love as God loves. Tell them they don’t need to do good things to earn God’s love – they already have it. They should do good things because that’s how we show love; that’s what we were all made to do.