Are You a Kidmin?

So, I got a tweet the other night from my friend Michael Chanley to check out something he’s been working on. If you haven’t already heard about it or have been to it yet, it’s called should definitely check it out.

When I first saw this I said to myself, “come on Michael, this has already been done.” I remember a site several years ago called something like the 1 million pixel project. It was a college student trying to raise money to pay for tuition. He created a website where people could purchase pixels for $1 each. It was a creative idea that was picked up by the news and guess what, he sold 1 million pixels.

But I was wrong, this is what is. It’s another project by Chanley to connect people. This time a little bit more physically. You get to take pixels where you live and work. As everyone else places their face, logo or avatar ont he map, we all get an idea of where everyone is from as well as who is right down the road that you haven’t met yet.

It’s actually a great idea. Is it a site I’m going to use every day? Probably not. However, I do think it’s going to be helpful in networking, knowing where people are from and who to look for when looking to connect with new people. Seriously, go on there and put yourself on the map… literally.

Come on Texas, where are you?