Two #kidmin Lists

Children’s Ministry Magazine recently released two very interesting Kidmin lists. One list contains the top 20 Kidmin influencers leading the way. The other list contains the top 20 Kidmin influencers to watch.

As I look through the first list, I see nine people I’ve met (I’m counting Karl although I’ve never met him in person, we’ve certainly met electronically). Another three I’ve heard of and the rest I didn’t know anything about. Funny since I have been in Kidmin for nearly 15 years. On the other hand though, several from this list have profoundly influenced me as a leader and pastor. One of them I consider a good friend.

The second list is entirely different. Of the 20 I’ve met 14 (I’m including David Wakerly. Again, I’ve not met him personally, but there’s been enough digital interaction). There were only four names that were new to me. Most interesting is that of the 20, five or six I consider good friends. It’s an entirely different group.

I think that the biggest difference between the two groups is that the first list is mostly filled with ministry pioneers that spoke at conferences, wrote books and articles that impacted thousands (and still do). For some of them, the closest you’re going to get to them is hanging out after a conference (although you’d be surprised how many of them would take time to grab a coffee or lunch with you if you simply asked). However, almost everyone on the second list is immediately available through their blog, twitter and their cell phone. I think that “availability” through technology is what makes these groups so different.

So, thank you Children’s Ministry Magazine for developing the two lists. At the very least, it’s given me some ideas for people I’d like to get to know better. I’m honored that they thought to put me on the list. However, here is what I do know. There are many other people who should be and could be on this list as well. I know several who are way more qualified that me, but maybe because they don’t have a blog or haven’t yet written a book, they probably won’t make it to a list like this. That’s okay. Making a “list” isn’t really all that important in the long run.