Quotables from the Orange Tour

by Reggie Joiner

We’re getting ready to continue the Orange Tour in 2011- with not one, but two days outside Dallas, TX. To get us excited here are a couple of quotable answers from people that attended in 2010.

What is the ONE THING you want people to walk away with today?

One exciting thing that was related to me today involved a pastor who has been encouraging Senior Adults to connect one-on-one with teenagers in their church. Asking these Senior adults to tell their story of an exciting moment in their faith to connect inner generationally. What it is doing in their church is kind of magical as they are both discovering on at both ends of the spectrum how they need each other.” – Reggie Joiner

I want to see Children’s Ministry Partner with Families from the very beginning. Knowing that we need to close the back door on the 80% of kids that are walking away from their faith. I want Sunday to be the best hour of every kids week and I want to see us partner with parents and give them every tool we can.” – Sue Miller

Even though I work with Children’s Ministry the ONE THING I am going to do is to go back to our pastoral staff and share the need to reach the 18 – 24 year-olds. I came to Orange because I am always looking for new and exciting thing to make Sunday morning the best hour of every child’s week!” – Jamie Curley

Until today I never understood the difference between a Small Group Leader and a Sunday School Teacher. Today it was described to me the relational side of the Small Group Leader vs. the Teacher who is simply giving out information.” – Roger Stephens

Why did you come to the Orange Tour?

“I came to Orange because I am new to Children’s Ministry and desire to learn as much as I can and network with other CM directors.” – Bev

I came to Orange to promote a better Children’s Ministry and hopefully for me to get better as a teacher.” – Mark

I am here because I love Orange and I believe in families working together with us. I want to learn more about how to teach families to teach their kids about Christ.” – Brent Peak