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Guerrilla Parenting: Talk to Your Kids Through Play.

Guerrilla concept #1 – Talk to your kids through play.

I have heard lots of parents say that their kids don’t talk to them. I am still figuring this out myself but I often find my kids talk to me when I understand how they communicate and when I understand where they communicate.

The other day I was playing with my youngest and he started acting out a situation where another kid was mean to him. Because we were playing he was totally honest and totally open. He told me the whole situation he was facing through a 2 inch lego Luke Skywalker. There is something about playing kids totally throw themselves into it they lose themselves in this imaginary world they create for themselves. Playing legos or the toy of your childs choice is on the quickest ways to find out what is going on in their world.

Another time in our house where the communication flows is right before bedtime. I am not sure why this is the case, my theory is they are trying to stall because they don’t want to go to sleep so they will do what ever they can to stall. Whatever the reason we have had some amazing conversations right before our kids drift off to sleep. Some of them deep and profound others fun and just plain hilarious.

The main problem with parent/child communication is parents not knowing when and where their kids open up. When we get in parent mode we just want to get the info we need so we force kids to communicate in a way that fits our time and space. Do we need to do this sometimes absolutely. Should this be the only way we communicate with our kids. No.

So do yourself a favor play with your kids and put them to bed 20 minutes early so you have time to talk. Go Guerrilla your kids deserve it.