Speak the Truth with Boldness

One of the most valuable things I learned from Craig G. while on staff at LifeChurch.tv was how I approach teaching God’s Word.  I remember Craig’s strongest admonition when teach God’s Word is to step into the power it holds.  God’s word holds great power.  It accomplishes everything He sends it out to do. It possesses the power to transform hearts.

So, when sharing His Word… no matter the venue… no matter the audience…

Always, always, always speak His Word with boldness.

It is the Word of God.

Never apologize for it.  Never shy away from it.

I value that guidance.  It shapes the way I approach the 60 minutes I will have during each worship service at Faith Promise Church every weekend.  You see, God’s Word will be spoken to kids 2 years old all the way up to 5th grade in fpKIDS, as well as, in all adult worship services.

No matter the age, stage or season in life… God’s Word holds the power to transform the hearts of those that hear it.

My prayer every weekend is that every volunteer in my ministry would step into the moment and speak God’s Word with strength, power and boldness.