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Missional Children’s Ministry | Bring God's Kingdom to this World

Becoming missional disciples of Christ involves more than receiving personal assurance in one’s eternal destiny. It involves more than knowing the right things and doing the right things. Missional children’s ministries want families and children to be a part of bringing God’s Kingdom to their world. (Matthew 6:10) In other words, they want families and children to become agents of positive change in the world around them. This includes, but is not limited to, offering compassion to the needy, fighting for justice, and caring for creation. These efforts to bring God’s Kingdom to the world go beyond a desire to do good or make things better. These efforts are motivated by a yearning to see people commit to following Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) and experience life transformation through submission to the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8)

Missional children’s ministries desire that families and children discover more of who God is as they participate in his redemptive work leading to a greater experience of his love and a greater desire to live the way he wants them to leading to increased participation in bringing God’s Kingdom to their world and so on.

What are ways that we can bring God’s kingdom to this world? Is this even important? What does it mean to you?