Your Action Steps, No. 3

At The Orange Conference 2011, participants were exhorted to make 10 moves. Over the course of the next few weeks, we’ll look at suggested action steps for each move. Click here for the suggested action steps for number two. We’d love to hear your ideas too! Leave any of your suggested action steps in the comments section following the post.

3. Volunteer in your local school.

•  Offer to perform a no-strings-attached School XP for an assembly or parent-teachers event.

• Introduce your local school to Core Essentials, a values education curriculum that helps schools create a culture of lasting values among students, faculty and teachers, and families. You might even consider gifting the cost of one year of Core Essentials to an entire school. Visit Core Essentials for more information.

• Disguise bags of groceries in backpacks and partner with teachers to send them home with families in need on Fridays.

• Form a group that can use non-school hours to take kids to monuments or historical sites.

• Be the work crew! Plant flowers, paint, or address maintenance needs.

• Offer your volunteers to coach sports teams or help direct performances. Provide volunteers to do an after school camp in athletics or art.

• Provide space after school for kids to hang out (or even for their parents to meet).