Here’s What I’d Do Pt. 1

For the next week I would like to try something on this blog.

We are going to mixing our new Preschool Kids Album all week long, which means lots of sitting around punctuated by bursts of intense activity as we lock in a song (The mix process is basically taking all your recorded songs, balancing all the different instruments and adding lots of Autotune to make my singing sound passable… yep I’m actually singing).

So in order to keep my sanity and around my regular job of keeping Hillsong Kids moving forward I would like to answer questions with a “Here’s What I’d Do…”, Or even a “Here’s What We Do…”

For example:

  • Dave. I have a two year old that brings a light saber to Church each week and we have had three hospitalisations, what would you do?
  • Or; Dave. I love country music, what’s wrong with me?
  • Or; Dave. I read a blog that disparages country music, what would you do?
So post your questions in the comments below, or @ reply me on twitter (@davewakerley) Ask about our albums, our programs, Church, Rugby or anything you like.
Now of course if no one actually comments and it gets really embarrassing, I will fill the comments with fake questions from people such as I.P. Nightly, Barb Dwyer, Stan Still and Lee King.
And my favourite Terry Bull.
I will put up a series with 2/3 questions per blog post and hopefully help someone/not embarrass myself.