Pray Without Sneezing…Ceasing!

Wednesday, September 28 was the “See You at the Pole,” as students across the country were meeting at the flag poles to pray at their respective schools.

For students in public schools it is an especially important day because the freedom to pray out loud isn’t always granted. As Head of School, I have always had the students honor this important day, even though we have the privilege of praying each day at school in each of our classes.

However, this Wednesday, all of our older students were involved in doing a play for chapel and were busy getting ready and into their costumes, and so we decided not to participate in the “See You at the Pole” before school. However, I did have several things I wanted to say at chapel and then have an extended time for prayer.

That morning I was sneezing with allergies and took something for it which gave me somewhat of a brain fog, but at least I wasn’t sneezing — which reminded me of one of my favorite chapel stories, and I decided to share the story about a student sneezing during chapel.

However, the room was packed with parents and grandparents coming to see the play, and I could tell the students were eager to perform. So after the opening pledges, I decided to move the prayer segment to the close of chapel.

OK, so you may be asking by now…”So, what is the point of all this and when are you going to tell the story about the child sneezing at chapel”… and, well, you’re right!

First, the point. In all of this changing my mind about when to share and what to share, I ended up forgetting to share anything! All day it bugged me because PRAYER is of the utmost importance and needs to be the HUB and HEART of our day. All day, I berated myself, “How could you have forgotten to pray with the students and talk about prayer when it was first and foremost on your mind?”

On a practical level, I can say that I was also excited about the Character Crew performing the skit and music for “Obedience.” The room was crowded, and I didn’t want to go up on the stage. But that is no excuse.

Then it dawned on me. Inadvertently, and sadly, I became the object lesson for the day. I simply forgot!

So, my lesson, which was on “Why Prayer Should be Part of Every Day and Not Just the See You at the Pole Day,” got lost and I missed a very teachable moment. When I rearranged the time in which to present the lesson, it simply flew off my radar.

And therein lies the lesson: when we don’t put prayer as our top priority of the day, somehow the time for it simply falls off of our radar. We believe in the vital importance of prayer. We want to put it as our top priority. But somehow the busyness of the day takes over and our prayer time does not become the hub and heart of our day.

Jesus modeled prayer for us in the Bible. One of the things He modeled was to get up early to spend time with the Father before we begin the activities of our day.

Mrs. Zuehsow, the 5th grade teacher, and I have talked on several occasions about how thankful we are for our long drives in the morning because it gives us a chance to pray about our day. She prays for each one of her students, and I love her heart for prayer. When I get up earlier to have time my quiet time with Him before I begin my day, I see a vital difference in my day. When I put the ‘frosting on the cake’ by using my drive time to pray, I feel His guiding presence leading me through the day.

I didn’t do that on Wednesday because I had been up most of the night coughing with these silly allergies. As a result, I made a series of wrong choices because I wasn’t hearing His voice guiding me through the day. I pray I won’t make that mistake again!

Now for the long-awaited sneezing story! And, yes, I will tell this in chapel one day because I think it is worth repeating.

Some years ago, I was teaching the children about the importance of “Praying without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). “You can talk to God anytime! You can be riding your bike, sitting in class, on the playground…simply talk to God. You don’t have to fold your hands for God to hear you; simply talk to Him, out loud or silently. He hears your heart and always wants to hear from you.! Pray without ceasing!”

As the children were leaving chapel, I would shake their hands and even collect some hugs.

One child came out sneezing with allergies. As a young child without a tissue, he was wiping his nose on his hand and sleeve. “I’m sorry I was sneezing during chapel today, Mrs. Capehart. I have allergies today.”

I assured him that was not a problem, and as I thanked him for his apology, I was putting tissues into his little hand. But his little hand went back up to wipe his nose, “But I was sneezing during your prayer.”

Again, I assured him, “Oh, Sweetie, that’s OK. You can’t help when those ‘ole sneezes come.” And again, I put tissues into his little hand as he responded, “But, I thought you liked us to pray without sneezing!

Oh, my! It did make me laugh! This little child’s theology would’ve been messed up for years if he thought I was teaching them to “Pray without sneezing!” So, note to self: make sure to re-teach what the word ‘ceasing’ means…

In closing, I have little notes to myself with a “P” on them to remind myself to PRIORITIZE my day: God, Prayer and Time in The Word before I start stumbling through the day in the flesh, because I will stumble. But when I pause, pray, and proceed in the power of the Holy Spirit, my days are prioritized His Way!

P.S. These two wonderful 2nd grade boys pictured above prayed in this position on their own. I just happened to be right there and was able to get the picture when the music teacher prayed in chapel and caught this picture at the end of the prayer.