Kids on Mission – Rice Bowls

Last weekend we launched a mission event called Rice Bowls.

Kids 3yrs to 5th grade went home with a “Rice Bowl” bank to collect change.  In a few weeks they’ll return to church with their banks full of pocket change.  We’re working with our Worship Team to highlight this mission in the main worship service.  On the day kids return with their Rice Bowls, we’ll lead kids into the main worship service (during a worship song) and pile the bowls on the stage.  As these bowls accumulate over 4 worship services, the cumulative visual effect will be cool. takes our pocket change and through partnerships with orphanages around the world, provides meals for hungry children.  We’re excited about the conversations this event will spur at home.  Since we don’t have a single communication “silver bullet”, we’ll use these different avenues to keep the “Excitement” fly-wheel spinning.  Using our church blog, Facebook and Twitter, we’re working different angles to get parents as excited as the kids.

Our plan is to visit the site and “like” several of the testimonials throughout the week, prod parents for personal accounts via FB wall posts and generally talk about it as much as we can in the lobby over the next two weekends.  The more attention we give it, the more people take it seriously.

What does your church do to engage kids in mission work?