Are You a Jesse or a Samuel?

Guest Post by Larry Hillman

When you look out over your workers and those you are ministering to, do you look at them with the eyes of Jesse or the eyes of Samuel? Remember when Samuel came to the home of Jesse looking for the person God wanted to anoint as King of Israel? Jesse brought each one of his sons before Samuel beginning with the oldest down to the youngest. He did this because he was looking at them through HIS eyes. He was looking at them based on HIS experience, HIS traditions and HIS expectations. Because of this he had excluded the very one that God had selected. Jesse believed David to be too young, too inexperienced, too immature and socially unacceptable. Jesse could see any of his sons being anointed king except David. Because of this view he did not even give David the opportunity to be anointed as king.

Samuel also had the opportunity to look at each one of Jesse’s sons through his own eyes. In fact Samuel did look at them, just as Jesse did, through HIS own eyes. The difference in the two men was that Samuel placed more importance on what God saw, than on what Samuel saw.

God saw a David that would kill the giant, a David that would be a great warrior, a David that would be a man after God’s own heart, a David that would be a great leader of the nation of Israel and a David through which he could establish his kingdom forever.

When you look at the children setting before you, when you look at the workers before you, do you place more importance on what YOU see, or what GOD sees?

Are you willing to ask God who it is that HE wants to use? Are you willing to give that person that you would never have chosen an opportunity? Do you place more importance on what you know about that person, or on what God knows about that person. When you look at your workers and those you minister to, do you see a simple shepherd boy, or a giant killer?


Larry Hillman has always had a heart for reaching out and helping children. His career has spanned from school teacher to children’s pastor to national children’s camp speaker to author of children’s and leadership books. His encouraging words and unique way of approaching children’s ministry is a must read for every Kidmin worker and leader.

Catch up with Larry via his Facebook page & website!