Becoming A Leader

I had the privilege of doing 3 training workshops at the Northwest Ministry Conference this weekend (fantastic conference…very much worth considering for next year!). In every one of them we talked about leadership.

Why?  Because leadership matters in children’s ministry (that was actually the title of my last workshop!).

It matters to everything we do in children’s ministry (as it does in any other ministry).

If that’s true, then (for those us in a “position” of leadership) the majority of our efforts should be focused on leadership related issues. Developing ourselves and/or our team is of highest priority.

So how do we learn to become leaders?

Here’s a simple acronym to get us started GROW-ing into leaders:

Give yourself to personal growth.

“You cannot pass on to others what you do not first possess yourself.”

“If I were given 6 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend the first 4 hours sharpening the axe.” (Lincoln)

One of the surest ways to become a leader is to grow. Not growing is one of the surest ways to NOT be in leadership very long. We must be growing.

So…what is your personal growth plan? I would encourage you to specifically plan how you will grow in these areas: head, heart & hands. We need to grow in our knowledge (reading, attending conferences, mentorships, etc.); in our spiritual walk (daily time in the word, prayer, worship, etc.); and in our skills (practicing leadership, evaluating our leadership practices, being coached in application of leadership principles, etc.).

Relationships must become priority

“Ministry happens best through relationships” is something I learned early in my ministry life. I’ve also learned that leadership happens best through relationships.

Being an introvert, this has always challenged me. But I need to initiate relationships, nurture relationships, and model relationships if I want those I lead to minister through relationships.

Operate like a leader

Three areas come to mind regarding how we operate when in a leadership position.

  1. Our character. We need to be who we say we are. We need to do what we say we’re going to do. Always. We need to reflect attitudes that leaders should reflect. We need to treat relationships appropriately. Always.
  2. Our commitment. Leaders are committed. They are committed to the defined vision, the strategy, and the people involved. They’ve “got your back” so to speak. Wishy-washy “leaders” are some of the most difficult to follow.
  3. Our communication. As leaders, our “language” needs to primarily be about vision & values. Whether it is in an individual conversation or to a group, people need to hear our vision and values constantly. It’s what we wrap our message in and the language we want our followers to learn to speak along with us.

Win followers by shaping leaders

You cannot become a leader if you do not have followers. Shaping leaders involves both equipping (teaching them to “do” the work) and developing (helping them to “be” leaders themselves). Shaping leaders is a two lane track, both of which are necessary. They are part of our equation for shaping quality leaders, which goes like this (see more here):

Intentional Equipping plus Proactive Developing over Time multiplied by God =

Quality Leaders

As we shape leaders in a leadership-focused ministry culture, we open the doors for growth that we could never possibly imagine. And, in the process, become leaders.