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Leading Kids in Worship: 4 Components



This one area is critical to the success or failure of our time of worship.  Having the right person introduce the Worship Team and the right people on the Worship Team will have a major impact.  From the very beginning we explain to our kids that being enthusiastic and encouraging are non-negotiable.  We want everyone on the team to recognize the value of their role on the team and truly become a Worship Leader.


Our expectation is that every Small Group Leader will set the example for their group by fully engaging in the singing and the motions. We also want to encourage every student to engage during our worship time.  However, we do not force children to participate.  If they are standing with the group and simply not participating that is OK.  We will encourage them to join in but as long as they are not being disruptive we will not draw undue attention to them.

Song Selection

We all have favorite songs and kids are no exception.  Some members of our Worship Team would sing the same songs every week if we allowed them too.  As we design a worship set each week we look at several factors. One of these is the frequency that we have incorporated a particular song on Sunday mornings.  While we desire for our kids to enjoy singing their favorites it is our goal to offer a wide variety of music.

New Music

We intentionally limit the number of new songs that are introduced to our kids.  We invest time with our Worship Team to be sure they have the song well prepared before we even consider introducing it on a Sunday morning. When we do incorporate a new song we will use it for several weeks in a row so that our kids will all learn the new lyrics and motions.

Those are a few of our major considerations as we prepare to draw our students into a time of worship. I know that leading a Worship Team can be a lot of work and on the front end can sometimes be discouraging.  My encouragement to you is to invest the time to build and maintain a Worship Team for your Children’s Worship.  It can be one of the most beneficial parts of the services!

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music;  Psalm 98:4

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