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Training New Leaders in Children's Ministry

How do you train new leaders? There are many different methods for training new leaders for your ministry, but here are several steps that are each an essential part of every leadership training. The following steps will help guide you as you train your new leaders.

Step 1: Getting to Know Each Other

When you are training new leaders, you need to start their training first by meeting with them and spending time getting to know them. New leaders will feel much more comfortable once they get to know you.

After getting to know them, a good leader will then share his vision for the ministry and the purpose of the ministry with the new leader. This is important so you both are on the same page starting from the very beginning of their time in the ministry.

Next, you will need to ask the new leader what their gifts are. This question is essential because it will determine the correct role for the new leader in your ministry. We often tend to accept any help we can get in our ministry and plug new leaders into the first opening that comes to mind. Instead, we should first meet with them and determine where they can best fit and use their strengths. If you think they won’t succeed in a certain role, then don’t put them there. As the leader of your ministry, you are in charge of making sure your new leaders are set up to succeed. Soon, you are going to want to give them a few responsibilities they will be comfortable with and give them the opportunity to grow.

Step 2: Getting Acquainted with the Ministry

Have you ever been thrown into a situation you knew nothing about? While some people enjoy that, others don’t always do well in that kind of situation. Take some time to let them get acquainted with other leaders and hear from them how the ministry works. Give them the opportunity to learn from the experiences of your leaders. Often, we neglect to let our ministry team share their wisdom with new leaders. The ability to learn from new team members is invaluable to a new leader in the ministry.

Don’t forget to tell them about the ministry! Give a history of the ministry, including what has worked well in the past and what hasn’t worked very well. Give specifics for the new role the new leader will be involved in. A written description of any programs and events will also help explain the function of the different parts of the ministry. If they are getting involved in a specific program, give them a schedule of what normally happens during that program.

Give them a chance to see how the ministry works. Let them shadow another leader or sit through a program. This final preparation will help the new leader feel much more comfortable once they step into their new role.

Step 3: On-the-Job Training

Training does’t just happen before a new leader takes on their new role; it happens while they serving in the ministry. After people join a ministry, we should continue to build them up and train them to become better leaders. This means we are keeping in touch with how they are doing, sharing constructive feedback with them, providing ministry resources to them and giving them the opportunity to give you feedback about the ministry.

During the first several weeks, spending time with your new leaders is key to their success. Check on them and ask them how they are doing. Observe them in the ministry and give them praise and tips for what to try working on. Be encouraging! Tell them what they are doing well and continue to give them encouraging words. You can even have a meeting several weeks after they start serving in the ministry to give them feedback on how they are doing. As they continue to grow in their role in the ministry, give your leaders the chance to continue to grow. Let them take on new responsibilities and give them the resources to do it! As the leader of a ministry, we need to be the ones to raise up other leaders, instructing them and setting them up for success.

Now go out and enjoy training new leaders! Training leaders is an exciting opportunity to mentor other Christian believers to be successful in ministry. It is exciting to see them grow in their ministry role and to grow closer to God. You will also make some new friends in the process!