5. Fruit Suit
Items needed: markers, papers, variety of decorating items (optional)
Using the paper, markers, and other decorating items, children will make their own fruit mosaic suits. Those will remind them what the fruits on their insides must show to the rest of the world.
Say: God gives us fruit of the Spirit to help us show others what his love looks like. God’s love is Jesus, his only Son, who he gave to us on the cross. Jesus paid the price for our sins so we could be with God in heaven forever. When we accept God’s gift of Jesus, that love is inside us. It’s there in the form of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
Give each student a sheet of paper. Set out the markers and decorating items. Instruct children to design a suit they could wear that shows others what God’s love looks like. For example, they may use heart stickers or draw a heart on the outfit, symbolizing love. They could simply make a multiÂcolored design to show the many colors of God’s love to others, which they learned about from the prism demonstration, if you chose to do that activity. Allow kids to be creative, and encourage them to think about what features they add to their suits.
When students finish, ask:
• What does your suit tell others about God’s love?
• What other ways could you show God’s love?
• Why do you think God doesn’t give us a suit to wear to show his love to others? Why does he grow his love inside of us?
If you liked the ideas in this fruit of the Spirit for kids lesson, you’ll love the Kids’ Travel Guide to the Fruit of the Spirit.
What do you recommend for meaningful fruit of the Spirit for kids activities? Let us know using the comment section below!