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Classroom Management Tips for New Teachers: 12 Helpful Points

More Classroom Management Tips for New Teachers

7. Communicate your excitement about being with kids.

Remind kids often what a privilege it is to be their leader. In their presence, thank God for the opportunity, and ask for His help to teach His Word.

8. Try to imagine everything that could go wrong.

Review each game, activity, seating arrangement, and piece of equipment. Try to imagine the unexpected. What can you check, and what can you rearrange? What will you need more of, especially if something spills or breaks? How might students take this differently than you’ve planned? How will kids perceive certain words? If you’re presenting a science experiment, test it beforehand.

Asking these questions will cut down on interruptions in the lesson’s flow. As a result, you’ll minimize opportunities for discipline problems.

9. Establish boundaries and consequences beforehand.

Nothing gets my feathers in a fluff faster than observing an adult chastising a child when they hadn’t told the child the boundaries or consequences beforehand. Make your boundaries clear and then hold fast to them. Follow through with consequences the first time, and kids will respect those boundaries. They want to know how far they’re allowed to go; it gives them security.

10. Don’t overlook small misbehavior.

We tend to overlook when a child’s misbehavior seems insignificant. If we do, though, it gives them permission to go that far next time and then a little more. The behavior will escalate…guaranteed. Put it to a halt when it first starts, rather than waiting until a big issue arises.

11. Be prepared!

When that first child arrives, your room should be set up. You should be ready to engage with students on a personal level. This is relationship-building time, which is your best tool for classroom management. When a child knows you truly care for them and know them by name, they’ll defend you and help you monitor other kids’ behaviors.

12. Be proactive, not reactive.

When you approach teaching proactively, you think of children’s well-being and how you can help them be better people by how you correct them. You think before you do. A reactive approach to teaching usually results in punishment rather than discipline. And punishment stems from being impatient, angry, or frustrated. Kids quickly sense which you are and react accordingly.

Decide which of these classroom management tips for new teachers can boost volunteers’ confidence with kids. Daily pray that Sunday school teachers make an impact on young lives and hearts. After all, we want kids to live the adventure God has planned for them!