Home Children's Ministry Leaders Articles for Children's Ministry Leaders Memory Verse Games: 10 Fun Bible Activities for Groups of Children

Memory Verse Games: 10 Fun Bible Activities for Groups of Children

6. Memory Verse Game: Bible Verse Art

Write the words of a Bible verse randomly on a piece of paper, with a dot next to each word. Make a copy for each child. Have kids connect the words, starting with the first word in the verse. When completed, they can color the design.

7. Memory Verse Game: Hot Potato

Sit in a circle. Pass a “hot potato” around the circle. This can be a bean bag, a potato or any small object. Play music. When the music stops, the person holding the hot potato must say the first word of the verse. Play continues, and when the music stops, the next person with the potato must say the first two words. Play continues until the verse is completed.

8. Memory Verse Game: Memory Verse Mural

Cover the table with a large sheet of paper (butcher paper or bulletin board paper). Write the words to the verse around the table. Then have kids draw symbols and pictures to illustrate the verse.

9. Memory Verse Game: Scripture Slideshow

Have each child write one word from the verse on a piece of paper. Have them hold their paper up. Then take a picture of them making a silly face. Make a slideshow with the pictures in order. Have kids practice saying the verse aloud while they look at the slideshow.

10. Memory Verse Game: Balloon Verse Hunt

Blow up helium balloons, attaching a long string to each. Write the verse on index cards, one word per card. Attach a card to each balloon. Then let the balloons go in the room. Have kids work together to put the verse in order.

If you like these Bible memory verse games, find more than 100 Bible games for children here.